The editing process has become a long slow paced epic journey. After only taking one day to film we felt we had enough shots to create an intense music video, inkeeping with our chosen genre. As we had filmed on a DSLR camera, our footage had been saved to memory cards. This was our first issue as Sir had to take these home and convert our files to AVI's. We edited on the Premier Pro editing software and saved all our work on the W: drive, however after starting work on our computer, it seemed it was just too much memory for the computer to hold so we changed computers 3 times. By this point we decided to save all our work onto my desktop documents to i could use any computer. I edited the opening of the video and used speed duration to give it a really good look and effect, heidi then resumed with the fight and ending of the video. She too used speed duration, layered shots over the top of each other, repeated shots, reversed shots and created a quick montage at the end.
It was a long and hard process to edit the footage in a slightly different way to everyone else, but I think its worth it for the high quality of the footage and fantastic shots, given to us by a SLR camera and a shallow depth of field that no one else knew of and therefore didn't use, which really helped the professional look and emotion of our peice.
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